September 27, 2008

The Game

Watching the game with the guys...

September 23, 2008

Walking and Dusting...

Look at me I'm walking... Check it out...I can dust too...

September 12, 2008

Vacation Rocks!

Laid back and pimped out... Eating Out... Hanging Out...

September 11, 2008

Hurricane Ike

Good day for shopping maybe?!?.... Yeh, I'm shopping...

September 10, 2008

Here we go with the hat again... Not sure about these waves...

Vroom vroom

At The Beach - Day 3

September 9, 2008

At the Beach - Day 2

Check it out...I'm wearing shoes!

September 8, 2008

My Very 1st Time on the Beach

I like the pool much better!!! Quit laughing and get this crazy hat off me... Um...not liking it right now...get me up off this weird stuff...

September 2, 2008

Fun Outside

Not sure what this face is...but it's a classic... Just another day of play...