April 29, 2010


Colin with his Papa's glasses on, hee hee...

April 20, 2010

April 18, 2010

Our Weekend

Fun at Noble Street Festival...snakes!! Hee hee...(he's not going to be happy about this one one day) My sunshine! Weeeeeee... In a STRYKER tank... A picture of pooped! Oh little boys...no fear...

April 15, 2010

Growing Up

Gavin always has his eyes on his big brother... Colin on the computer, learning about letters...

April 5, 2010


Gavin's First Easter!! He found an egg! Bubbles!...

April 3, 2010


My baby can already drive... One of the funniest pictures I've seen in a while...

Busy Busy Busy

Papa and his boys... Checking Gavin's heart... Num num... Papa's little helper...