August 30, 2013

Colin's Class

Yay! Both boys are back in school and we're getting back in a routine. Health...what a blessing.
Colin's cute little kindergarten class
(yes, he was supposed to be wearing red but we forgot)

Silly faces!  :)

August 27, 2013

Well we almost made it through the 1st week of school without being sick...Gavin brought home some kind of marvelous 'bug' Friday and today me and Colin woke up sick. YIKES. Vitamins and orange juice here we come! I'm posting my little 'hipsters' in hopes of good health again for everyone! 

August 26, 2013

School Pics

Gavin learning in his classroom...looks like fun!


Yes, the preschoolers are using iPads!

Sleepy Time...

This is when I walked Colin to his class on the first day...

Crackin' me up!

This is Colin's 'I Love Pictures' face...

Love these sweet boys.  Still amazing that they're both in school...

August 21, 2013

Back to School

ATTENTION:  We are now back in the 'blog world' after taking a small break.  Please stay tuned in...:)

Colin and Gavin (and mommy) have made it through a first day of Pre-K and a first day of Kindergarten.  These two boys were so excited to be starting school!  Here's hoping the excitement lasts FOREVER! (or at least until they graduate college, ok, maybe till the end of this school year)...It is so strange to have them both in school...yet another milestone is upon us.  OH! and Colin has a loose tooth! 

More school pics...

This is Colin tired of mommy taking pictures

Colin's Classroom Door 

Welcome to Kindergarten sweet boy 

Gavin was nervous for about 5 seconds until his sweet teacher came to greet him 

Swingin' Into Kindergarten 

Colin and mommy 

Colin waiting outside his 'pod'