Oh Saturday mornings, how we love thee. Waking up late, no rushing, staying in pjs, eating pancakes and watching cartoons. It doesn't get any better than this! Love my weekends with my boys!!
Working on the construction site. This is Gavin's "I'm not" face. No worries, he got over it quickly. Don't think he was into pictures this day at this moment :)
Love these boys and their imaginations! May they never loose them.
Colin showing me his dirt.
Gavin has been riding Colin's bike lately (he thinks he's a big boy...and he's right). He won't get on the little spiderman bike anymore..more growing up...sniff sniff.
Getting in gear for football season - throwing the football with daddy. Colin is so proud of his throwing and catching as he should be!
Check out that form.
He's a natural.
Crazy hair night at Awanas!