September 26, 2013

Saturday Mornings, Dirt, Football and Crazy Hair!

Oh Saturday mornings, how we love thee. Waking up late, no rushing, staying in pjs, eating pancakes and watching cartoons. It doesn't get any better than this! Love my weekends with my boys!!

Working on the construction site. This is Gavin's "I'm not" face. No worries, he got over it quickly. Don't think he was into pictures this day at this moment :)

 Love these boys and their imaginations! May they never loose them.

 Colin showing me his dirt.
 Gavin has been riding Colin's bike lately (he thinks he's a big boy...and he's right). He won't get on the little spiderman bike anymore..more growing up...sniff sniff.

 Getting in gear for football season - throwing the football with daddy. Colin is so proud of his throwing and catching as he should be!
 Check out that form.
 He's a natural.

 Crazy hair night at Awanas!

September 20, 2013

Green Day!

Colin's class had 'green day' this week. They wore green and brought something in for show and tell that was green. Colin chose to bring a green tunnel for his trains. He also took two of his trains to go under the tunnel. He said everyone liked his trains and wanted to play with them. I think he was pretty proud about that ;)

Colin's class wearing green

Silly faces!

I'm pretty amazed at how these pictures turned out...the kids seem so well behaved and organized! U go Ms. Hall!  :)

Silly faces!!

Still so very proud of Colin. He's getting smiley faces everyday and doing well with homework and learning to read. Can't wait until he can read a book all by himself - it will be so surreal = growing up.

September 17, 2013

School Fun!

 Eating grapes during 'purple week'

Fun in pre-k! Gavin's class made pinkalicious cupcakes

 Apparently this sensory table is one of Gavin's favorites

 Field trip to the library
 The reading to see my babies reading!

 Colin got to take Mr. Rabbit to school for show and tell. He told his class he got this rabbit for his 1st Easter. I love this rabbit possibly more than Colin does, it has been with us through so many things. So glad I got it for him when he was itty many years ago...snif snif. I absolutely dread the day he no longer wants it with him.

September 15, 2013

Weekend Adventures

The bama kid picks out the auburn cupcake  ?
(BTW Roll Tide)


 The cornfield maze. We all got lost.
 Gavin - happy and a little bit nervous
 1st Horse Ride

The 300 pd mama


Gavin & Ana