February 24, 2014

His Biggest Trophy Yet

Colin is so proud of his basketball trophy!  And we are so proud of him for giving it his best at his first attempt at PARD basketball!

February 21, 2014


President's Day Adventures...
 Went to Sports Clips for haircuts.  Colin is so excited, can't you tell?

 Gavin's 'Spencer Face'
 Fun in the car on the way home
 Gavin's class went on a spy walk around campus and took pics with their ipads.
Entertaining ourselves during a dr visit

February 14, 2014

Funny Stuff!!

Colin and Gavin went out to eat with friends after one of Colin's b'ball games  :)

 The Dr. Seuss hat had a very strange affect on both boys at dinner time...
 The outline of the face is both very funny and creepy at the same time...

More hilarity....enjoy....

February 4, 2014

Lydia trying to teach Gavin a thing or two about his ipad :)
 Saturday morning Colin!
 Gavin 'helping?' wash the car

 Gavin celebrating his 100th day of pre-k by wearing a shirt with 100 stickers! (minus a few stickers that he gave away)
Colin's mad basketball skilzzz