April 29, 2014

Good Times!

With Popi at Little River Falls
Gavin on the bus going on a field trip!

Making funky Easter eggs!

Colin and dad at the Easter Cookout 2014

 Cousins = LOVE

 Cowboy Colin
 Cowboy Gavin and Bunny Jacob

 Gavin at school making the phases of a butterfly :)

April 21, 2014

Easter! 2014

Patiently waiting to hunt Easter eggs...
 The hunt is ON!

 Counting the eggs...
 Gavin lost interest in the eggs when he found a new friend
 A little one on one time with Uncle Jason
 Gavin to the rescue?
 Handsome Jacob  :)


 Easter morning...

April 18, 2014


Gavin's class is studying the solar system.  They went on a field trip to JSU's planetarium = FUN!

April 11, 2014

Hey guys, watch this...
Now this is how you go down a slide!!

T-Ball Has Begun!

Colin and Gavin are both on Duhon's Ladiga teams this year.  Colin is a Ladiga Brave and Gavin is a Lil' Brave.  Both boys have shown much improvement in their baseball skills! Colin is playing 1st base and Gavin is on the pitcher's mound.

Gavin in position :)
 Gavin - 'The Stance'
 Gavin #3 up to bat!

 Colin in position (even looks like he has a dip in his mouth ha! it's just a big wad of gum)
 Colin's team offering the opposing team 'peace bubbles' (gum)
 Still a little monkey
 It was COLD that morning!
 Assessing an ant bed

April 2, 2014

Gavin got into the motorcycle game while waiting on Mr. Peabody and Sherman to start...