Colin's 1st day of 1st grade went off without a cinch. On the way there he said 'first day of school' with the biggest grin :)
With his 1st grade teacher Mrs. Boyles. I have a feeling they're going to have lots of fun this year.
Colin went right to his desk and started working = well trained by Ms. Hall :) He did ask me 'how do I do this mom?', luckily it was only a number connect the dot so I could help, ha!
Got to walk with Colin on his second day too. He was the leader this time so we could be sure he knew where to go. Of course he went exactly to the right pod and with a bounce in his step. I gave him a big hug and kiss and watched as he held the door open for some other kids and walked right on in = PROUD!
Gavin's 1st day of K4 at JCA was a little harder for Gavin and mom. As we pulled in the parking lot, Gavin said 'my tummy hurts' and 'I'm shy'. But big bro Colin told Gavin he would show him where to go, so that helped. As we walked in I had a very close little shadow down at my legs but he sat down and found a rice krispy treat in his lunch box and I think that helped a little.
Gavin's Nervous Face
Colin on the other hand was at his old stomping ground and quickly asked where Mrs. Milner was (his big buddy from K4). She said she missed him so much and told me what a sweet kid he is = DOUBLE PROUD!
Colin then stole the phone and took a picture with Mrs. Posey
Oh...nervous Gavin with his rice krispy treat
Gavin asked me where all his friends were (from pre-k at KSES) and I told him they're here all around you and asked each of the kids their names - he sheepishly grinned and threw up his hand to wave at them....he'll be fine momma. Still had to make myself just walk out after he asked me where I was going and stared at me the whole way out (sniff, sniff).
(and yes, that's Colin's blurry head at the bottom wearin' out his old stomping ground)