August 18, 2014

Colin invited Blake over after church (his first friend over to the house - besides our neighbor Ellie).  We watched The Lego Movie, played inside and out.  Colin and Gavin actually got along better with Blake there (thinking about adopting this kid). They are now trying to plan a spend the night party  :)

'Jabub the Hippie'

Sleepy Boy.  Gavin quickly fell fast asleep with his doggie and did not move!!

Bouncy Slide + Water = A Little Boy's Dream

We visited Grace Tabernacle for their fun day; heard there was a 16 ft. water slide....and, in fact, there was...

 In action...
 Thinking about it, thinking about it....

 Future rock climber (Uncle Jason)


August 14, 2014

1st Day of 1st Grade and K4

Colin's 1st day of 1st grade went off without a cinch.  On the way there he said 'first day of school' with the biggest grin  :)

With his 1st grade teacher Mrs. Boyles.  I have a feeling they're going to have lots of fun this year.
 Colin went right to his desk and started working = well trained by Ms. Hall :) He did ask me 'how do I do this mom?', luckily it was only a number connect the dot so I could help, ha!
Got to walk with Colin on his second day too. He was the leader this time so we could be sure he knew where to go. Of course he went exactly to the right pod and with a bounce in his step. I gave him a big hug and kiss and watched as he held the door open for some other kids and walked right on in = PROUD!

Gavin's 1st day of K4 at JCA was a little harder for Gavin and mom. As we pulled in the parking lot, Gavin said 'my tummy hurts' and 'I'm shy'. But big bro Colin told Gavin he would show him where to go, so that helped. As we walked in I had a very close little shadow down at my legs but he sat down and found a rice krispy treat in his lunch box and I think that helped a little.
Gavin's Nervous Face
Colin on the other hand was at his old stomping ground and quickly asked where Mrs. Milner was (his big buddy from K4). She said she missed him so much and told me what a sweet kid he is = DOUBLE PROUD!

Colin then stole the phone and took a picture with Mrs. Posey
Oh...nervous Gavin with his rice krispy treat

Gavin asked me where all his friends were (from pre-k at KSES) and I told him they're here all around you and asked each of the kids their names - he sheepishly grinned and threw up his hand to wave at them....he'll be fine momma.  Still had to make myself just walk out after he asked me where I was going and stared at me the whole way out (sniff, sniff).
(and yes, that's Colin's blurry head at the bottom wearin' out his old stomping ground)

Orientation II

Gavin's orientation was last night at JCA.  He has Mrs. Posey, the same teacher Colin had  :)
We had a little trouble even getting him in the car to go to 'school' (yikes) and he told me he didn't want to go because he was shy the whole way there BUT we found his desk and he smiled right after I took this picture.
Found his desk and some magic sparkles and put them under his pillow last night to help him not be nervous and shy on his first day of school
  Gavin wrote his name on the board for Mrs. Posey

Just Because

The boys got new seats! Gavin put his seat on a seat - why not?!
 Jabub in one of the outfits that both Colin and Gavin wore - hand-me downs X 2 baby!! (never mind the pink chair he's sitting in - he's totally comfortable with his masculinity)
 Lydia and Aunt Kathy watching Frozen at EaglePoint = my best buddy.
 What? the flash was bright...
 Lydia walked right on over to a blanket full of girls, they warmed right up to each other (bright flash again)
 Catching snow and singing 'Let It Go'

August 8, 2014


We went to Colin's 1st grade orientation last night.  He met Mrs. Boyles, his 1st grade teacher.  Colin quickly found a seat and got comfortable in his new classroom.

August 7, 2014

Train Ride 2014

This is what happens when you ask two boys to pose for a picture...

 At the train station waiting for the train...

 Colin had to take a picture of this tower. Think he may have been convinced it was controlling the trains somehow.
 Two more pictures by Colin...

Colin wants to explore the railroad tracks, he only said this about 75 times  :)
The train finally arrives...
 FINALLY on the train...
Made a stop by the McWane Center 

This is Colin's sad face because he can't take home all those trains on the walls. Gavin's face is blurry because he's not still enough for pictures...still a cute face though.

Waiting for the train back home, sour gummy worms in hand...

 Gavin entertaining himself on the way back with a magazine