January 30, 2008

Look at me, I'm a big boy now, eating yummy solids in my highchair!

January 29, 2008

Kisses from Nana...(wish I had a nickel for every one of those I got a day) my cheeks shouldn't be so irresistible...what can I say...Me and mommy... Love my Papa...Telling mommy the news... Wheeee...

January 27, 2008

Playing with my daddy... Fun at Mawmaw's house... Checking for teeth...Look at me...I'm standing up! Mawmaw likes to read to me... Me and Pawpaw Doyle...(winding down and getting sleeeeepy)

January 26, 2008

Check it out...I'm a natural... I can even palm this ball with my eyes closed... Aunt CC comes to see me on her lunch break, I really look forward to seeing her and like to stare her down while she eats..she's so beautiful Playing with Papi...

January 17, 2008

Colin's first snow! (in his favorite beanie again) He was amazed...
Colin just hangin' out in the crib and posing for the camera...

January 15, 2008

Colin with his favorite neighbors...
I am happy...oh so happy... I like to attack Uncle Jason's face!... I love my Nana...
Too much action...just can't take it anymore...
Colin likes to fly in the air... then pull mommy's hair... then eat it - yummy
Colin in his favorite beanie (well, ok, his mom's favorite beanie)
This is Colin post-beanie, now we know how to spike his hair - who needs hair gel?

January 3, 2008


Already getting an attitude... what am I going to do with this boy.

First Iron Bowl

First Iron Bowl...wooo whooo...I'm ready...Rolllll Tide! Hush up you guys! I'm trying to watch the game! Ok, so Alabama's loosing...doesn't look like they're going to recover...I can go to sleep now. Football's boring anyway, just like mom says.

Colin's First Christmas

Colin with Greatgrandma KK. It's Christmas, YEH!!

Colin with his entourage - Aunt CC, Nana, and Mommie

Laid back with PawPaw Doyle - Is it time to open presents yet?!? Check out my shoes, quick, before I kick them off...

Colin's First Christmas! He had to chew his own hand to hold back all the excitement.

January 2, 2008

In my mouth...must put everything in my mouth! Colin is almost 5 months old now and oh my! how he has grown and changed! He has a new trick up his sleeve everyday. Very entertaining indeed. He is now a pro at rolling over and is trying his best to start crawling. He is grasping toys really well and tries to put EVERYTHING in his mouth. And talk about drool...I would put this kid up against any dog any day. Must be some teethies soon to be coming in. His smiles and giggles melt our hearts. Wow, we just can't get over this little wonder that has come into our lives, he amazes us more and more everyday.