In my mouth...must put everything in my mouth!
Colin is almost 5 months old now and oh my! how he has grown and changed! He has a new trick up his sleeve everyday. Very entertaining indeed. He is now a pro at rolling over and is trying his best to start crawling. He is grasping toys really well and tries to put EVERYTHING in his mouth. And talk about drool...I would put this kid up against any dog any day. Must be some teethies soon to be coming in. His smiles and giggles melt our hearts. Wow, we just can't get over this little wonder that has come into our lives, he amazes us more and more everyday.
Hello sweet Colin! I know that toy feels 'oh so good' on your little gums. I hope that it gives you & your new teethies some comfort! I love you so much, sweet boy.
Aunt CC
Hey Colin! I can't believe you are 5 months old today! You are getting to be such a big boy. Happy 'Birthday'. I love you very much.
Aunt CC
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