March 23, 2008

My 1st Easter...

Well the day started off with a bang - we went to church for the Easter service - wow that church was big, and I've never seen so many people, I was amazed... I got to see Aunt CC, YEH! Doesn't she look beautiful... Then we went to Great-grandma KK's... Me and my cuz' Kaylee in deep discussion... Me and Great-Aunt Martha... Showing cuz' Andrew my flip move... I like reading with my Great-Aunt Judy... Then I got my Easter basket at Nana and Papa''s Elmo everywhere! Check out the Elmo Easter eggs, those were my favorite...Yes, I think I like this Easter thing...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Colin!
I enjoyed sitting with you and your mommy at church yesterday. I hope you had a GREAT 1st Easter. You looked so handsome in your outfit! :)
I love you-
Aunt CC