August 3, 2008

My 1st Birthday!

As you can see, Colin had a very fun 1st birthday. He got his first taste of pure sugar - and liked it!! It's so hard to believe he is already one year old. This past year has been an absolute blast. We couldn't ask for a more sweet, loving, precious little boy. We love you Colin and thank God for you every day - Happy Birthday little one.


Lisa said...

So sweet! Happy late birthday Colin. I did not see you Sunday, I'll have to come downstairs and make sure I see your cute little face if you are there this week!!

Unknown said...

It is definitely hard to believe that you are already ONE. The birthday party was so much fun, Colin! You entertain us so well. I don't know what we would do without you. You have become such a huge part of our lives in such a short amount of time. You are truly sent from God. I love you very much!