September 14, 2009

Our Little Getaway

Me and mom took the boys down to Gulf Shores for a few days, just to get away for a little while...(I needed to get out of the house!) One of Colin's favorite things was the wash off hose... Crackers! Yummie... Gavin livin' it up at the beach... Nana and Gavin... Colin warming up to the beach, notice his feet are still not touching the sand though... Oh vacation is so hard for Gavin... Colin enjoying Gavin's swing... Guess we were being too loud... This picture cracks me captures just how crazy it gets at times...


Christy said...

I love these pictures! It looks like ya'll had a great time. I hate that I missed out. :( I especially love the last picture! Too funny.

martha said...

Love these pictures and love you all too:)