So...Colin's first loose tooth FINALLY came out and this is how it happened: Colin and Gavin were wrestling yesterday afternoon. Colin suddenly spit something out of his mouth - it was his tooth!! No blood, not pain, couldn't have happened a better way than friendly brotherly wrestling with Gavin, HA!
The itty bitty tooth, there it is in his palm, I may need to squint :)
Of course, I had to take some pictures of Gavin. He will not be left out!!
Colin is so proud of his tooth. He said he is so glad he had a loose tooth. I caught him in bed last night examining the tooth and he told me all about it. I had to tell the Tooth Fairy not to come last night so he could show it off to his family today. He was very concerned that she was going to get it. I had to reassure him that I indeed had spoken to her and she would not come until tonight.
Proud look! :) Cute little tooth. Mom said his other one is loose! He's growing up on us...
Yes, the one right beside the one he lost. Yes, another milestone upon us, sniff, sniff...
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