October 16, 2013

Trying something new on the skateboards.  This is a classic captured on video...the older brother talking the younger brother into trying something first that is slightly dangerous and could possibly end up hurting a lot. Listen very closely, you will hear the big brother telling the little brother 'You do it and then I'll try, I'll be your buddy thousands of times'

Gavin's a natural, look at the way he's holding that skateboard, like he was born with it. Plus the kid has no fear, which helps when learning to skateboard.


Had to post the monster spider we found that layed this massive egg thing? the next day...weird. And yes, we got the egg thing out and squished it, it was too tempting.

Gavin making his own Three Little Pigs story with his pre-k class.

 Gavin with one of his favorite buddies...HANK!

More classic Gavin on the skateboard

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