November 21, 2013

Thanksgiving Lunch!

Colin and his indian buddy
 Me and Nana joined Colin and Gavin for a thanksgiving lunch - school cafeteria style!  :)

November 18, 2013

Leather, Leaves and Fall

Biker Bros
This was before heading to Oxford to shop around. When we got home Colin said 'That was a fun adventure'.
Biker Bros from behind  :) 
(Gavin will definitely be a legend of some kind)
So Colin wanted to rake leaves Saturday. This was not a planned event by mom and dad :) I figured he'd be tired of raking about 15 minutes into it - WRONG! - we raked all day, even got our neighbor Ellie to help out. Got most of the front yard raked. Then we took another adventure on our bikes down the road to the creek. In between all that, Colin practiced some basketball skills with dad. Definitely a good day - Colin approved - he said several time that 'this was a fun day'.

Couldn't get Gavin to be still for a 2 second photo so these are a little blurry.  Funny, but blurry.

 Gavin made me take a picture of the back of him.
 Sunday morning pics...had to get that beautiful tree in the background (almost as beautiful as our kiddos but not quite). of our favorite times of the year.
 Gavin wouldn't let me take that bug catcher to take a picture so he hid it behind his back.
Colin has been dressing himself lately, I'm starting to really like his style  :)

November 14, 2013

Gavin was, needless to say, very impressed with the teeth.  Can anyone say 'future class clown'?

November 5, 2013

Pink Day and Blue Jello

Pink Day! (thanks for the pink shirt Nana!)

 Colin and Shelby eating what seems to be blue jello ?

Bennett Farms, Book Character Dress Up Day and Team Jersey Day!

Colin's class when on a field trip to Bennett Farms.  This is him and his buddy on the bus.
 Colin's kindergarten class at the pumpkin patch
 Silly Face Time!!

 And this is the hayride - the point when Colin started getting sick and going down hill....think it was motion sickness that he never quite got over.  He hung in there with his class as long as he could but we ended up leaving a little early :(  He still got to do a good bit at the farm though.  It was still fun.
 In the corn box
 Going down the slide backwards of course :)
 Poor Colin - not quite feeling right, bless him

 Pumpkin Carving!  The pumpkin carver is using electric drills!  Colin's loving it (he's on the right)
 Colin was the boy from Polar Express for book character dress up day
 Jersey Day!  ROLL TIDE!!

November 4, 2013

Snapped a few pics before we left for church yesterday.  This was Gavin's initial pose.
 Then I told him to be a bit more serious...
 Close up!  They look so sweet and calm in this picture...HA!

November 1, 2013

More Pre-K Fun!

Mrs. Weathers Pre-K class and the pumpkin they carved. The boy to the right of Gavin is Ross, I've been told they are inseparable.
 Community Helpers!
 Gavin looks mischievous in this picture...hmmmm.

More Halloween Fun


 Little Soldier
 Little Soldier - Mean Face

More Posin' 
 More animation...

 Waiting for our friend Carson to arrive

Meet the Minion, Iron Man and the Little Soldier
 Ready to trick-or-treat!! We went to North Oaks, went down about 4 streets then got rained out. We were soaked running back to the car! But it was fun. The kids got plenty of candy :)

 Gavin dressed up as a community helper for school on Halloween.  Colin was the polar express boy for book character day but he wouldn't let me take a picture of him (silly boy)  :/