November 5, 2013

Bennett Farms, Book Character Dress Up Day and Team Jersey Day!

Colin's class when on a field trip to Bennett Farms.  This is him and his buddy on the bus.
 Colin's kindergarten class at the pumpkin patch
 Silly Face Time!!

 And this is the hayride - the point when Colin started getting sick and going down hill....think it was motion sickness that he never quite got over.  He hung in there with his class as long as he could but we ended up leaving a little early :(  He still got to do a good bit at the farm though.  It was still fun.
 In the corn box
 Going down the slide backwards of course :)
 Poor Colin - not quite feeling right, bless him

 Pumpkin Carving!  The pumpkin carver is using electric drills!  Colin's loving it (he's on the right)
 Colin was the boy from Polar Express for book character dress up day
 Jersey Day!  ROLL TIDE!!


Christy said...

Cutie! Where's the other Roll Tide fans??? What's up with that? :)

COLIN & GAVIN said...

IKR! These partents are just bringing these kids up all wrong.