March 9, 2014

 Colin and his bud Jackson before their money performance on book fair family night

 This is a picture I got from Gavin's teacher Mrs. Weathers; it was accompanied by 'Random thoughts with Gavin': 'I swim with sharks. They hit me on the head. Uncle Jason picks me up with one arm. He has muscles. Christy stays home all day and plays with Lydia' 
We went with Gavin's class on a field trip to the McWane Center and IMAX to see 'The Great White Shark'
This is Gavin playing with his 'bestie' Ross.

 Waiting for the shark movie!
 In a tornado! ACKK!


Gavin wanted to take plenty of pictures of the model trains so Colin could see them

It took Gavin about 30 seconds to pass out after leaving :)
Wait a minute! 
 The McWane Center's effect on Gavin....


Christy said...

Oh my goodness, looks like y'all had a BLAST at the McWane Center! He was pooped, huh?
I love his random thoughts! :)
Colin with his little friend is precious!

COLIN & GAVIN said...

I thought you might like those random thoughts...too funny! You know Amiee was cracking up!