June 24, 2014

SuMmEr VaCaTiOn 2014

Went to Orange Beach, just the four of us, for the 1st Thurman Beach Vacation!
Gavin entertained us THE WHOLE TIME including at Cracker Barrel, where we stopped for lunch on the way down...
(that is biscuit on his teeth BTW)

The first day it rained most of the day so we made the most of it at the indoor pool/hot tub. Momma especially liked the hot tub  :)

FINALLY, the sun pops out and we head out to the waves!

 Wait for it, wait for it...quick, hold your nose (love how Colin holds his nose - just like his Nana)
The oh so popular balcony pictures before going out to eat :) 

Momma and Daddy's Big Boys (sniff, sniff)
 Out to eat at what has become our favorite restaurant, The Gulf
Gavin, the Entertainer

The kids doing something to a poor defenseless palm tree

Waiting on some grub!

On the beach! Wooo-whooo! Daddy stayed under the umbrella most of the time, got a tad bit sunburned the first day...

Our Sand Castle

It's Lydia, playing in her pool wishing she could be at the beach with us  :)
 In the condo (bunk beds!!) waiting to go eat

 Silly boys = silly pictures

One. Tired. Little. Boy. 
Another tired little boy staying awake by coloring - notice the tongue - ha! love it.

On the beach again.  And yes, as each day passed, we had to drag the boys more and more away from the pool to the beach

 Hey mommy, can we got to the pool?

 Colin would come over and whisper in my ear...momma...'pll'....I said son, you have to at least spell it right  :)

Then mommy got desperate and started entertaining by taking videos just to stay on the beach just a little while longer


 At the 'pll' at last! The goggles did wonders for the boys' swimming skills. Gavin started swimming underwater immediately and I saw both boys using the correct arm movements at one point, yay!

A very funny vacation moment and reminder...don't feed the birds!

Jacob in his crab pj's in honor of our beach trip

Lydia = Little Ms. Sunshine in a rockin' star wars t-shirt (that's my girl) sayin' you don't have to be at the beach to get sum sun yo!

Good ol' Winzels, never lets you down :)
'Gavin and the red crayon'

We got kinda silly towards the end of our vacation - too much sun maybe??...Nah.

Lookin' for the alligator


1 comment:

Christy said...

LOVE this post!!!
Love the silliness.
Love these two boys.
Love the 'pll'.
Love the updates from your adventure!
Love the Gulf restaurant.
Don't love that we weren't there :(
Don't love that Spencer got sunburned...