July 16, 2014


Staying with Nana during the summer allows Colin and Gavin to see their cousins, Lydia and Jabub (Jacob in Lydia language) lots! Which is a wonderful thing.
They went to the city library program together one day.

This is Jabub excited that Aunt Kathy is coming to babysit while mommy, daddy and big sis have a date night.

This is the tree frog (a dear family pet) that lost his life due to Aunt Kathy babysitting....long story.

This is Jabub completely worn out by all the crazy Aunt Kathy babysitting shenanigans.


Christy said...

Thank you for keeping J-bub, Aunt Kathy!! He had a blast.. still talking about it!

And the frog was quite an adventure. Not sure I want to repeat that adventure though......

Christy said...

Also, Lydia LOVES spending time with "Cowey & Gabnet"!!!