August 4, 2014

Happy Birthday Weekend!!!

The birthday weekend celebration began with swimming at the city pool followed by a party at Aunt CCs.
 Classic cousin picture...

Gavin telling us how old he'll be.

Colin a little excited about his 'credit card' (a gift card from Aunt CC)  ha!
Gavin excited just because...

Lydia showing me Gavin's Avengers watch  :)
Playing with Gavin's airplane  :)

Notice the 'concentration tongue' (like Gavin)
Patiently waiting for some cookie cake

THEN...Popi came to visit

Wearing Popi's glasses


THEN...Mawmaw and Pawpaw came to visit...and we made brownies...and Colin ate the batter :)

Then Colin and Mawmaw made a diet coke mentos volcano!!
Before volcano...
After volcano...

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