October 28, 2014

Halloween 2014!


 Gavin had several different costumes to choose from as you will see.
 The new sheriff in town...with dinosaur p.j.s underneath

 There's the medal again!
 The ninja costume lost pieces as we went along...

 Colin about to enter his 1st haunted house!!  He came out laughing by the way.

The Race

JSU put on a race for the kiddos.
 It's a mental prep for the race...must have focus.

 Gavin was on the outside lane...I'm sure that's why he didn't place  :)  He finished his race though, we told him that's all that mattered, he did his best.
 Colin had lots of kids in his race


This is Colin feeling like he's having a heart attack after running the race 
 5th Place!!  He was so proud of that medal

Later on that weekend...the medal is still on after a shower and putting on p.j.s (love this kid!!!)

Dress Up Days

Rock n' Roll Monday

 Disney Day (Gavin is Walt Disney, yeah, that's it)
 Country Day = camo head to toe
 Friday night fire pit
 One of Colin's favorite things right now  :)

October 18, 2014

All A's and No Front Teeth!

Colin's first 1st grade report card - all A's!!!!  So proud!
 All he wants for Christmas is his two front teeth!!!

October 14, 2014

Fall Fest and Loosing Front Teeth

The fall fest activities have officially begun.  This was the Cane Creek Community Gardens Fall Fest.
 Gavin was cracking me up talking to the animals = this kid loves animals!

 Sand pit!!

 Fire! This is all the boys wanted to do - they kept wanting to go back, and not for marshmallows but to throw leaves in (my little pyromaniacs)

Colin finally lost his first front tooth! It 'dangled' there for a while. Mrs. Boyles pulled it for him at school. She said he cracked up and they just laughed and laughed when she pulled it out.
Gavin not realizing how lazy pigs are...
Boys at play
The natural athlete