October 28, 2014

The Race

JSU put on a race for the kiddos.
 It's a mental prep for the race...must have focus.

 Gavin was on the outside lane...I'm sure that's why he didn't place  :)  He finished his race though, we told him that's all that mattered, he did his best.
 Colin had lots of kids in his race


This is Colin feeling like he's having a heart attack after running the race 
 5th Place!!  He was so proud of that medal

Later on that weekend...the medal is still on after a shower and putting on p.j.s (love this kid!!!)

1 comment:

Christy said...

That's awesome! So proud of BOTH Colin & Gavin! I'm sure Gavin's outside lane didn't help. :( And super proud of that medal! WOOHOO!!